This is most common question that are asking by rabbit owners about ‘Can rabbits eat clover or not?‘ And our straight forward answer is ‘Yes’! This is because; clover is packed with much notorious content that contribute to give well-health for them.
Now, let come a closer about clover’s benefits for your furry friends. And discover how this food is a best selection for your bunny.
Along with, we also try to eliminate some potential myths regarding clover for rabbits. After that, you can serve clover to your pet rabbit be confidently as delicious feast.
What About Clover?
Clover plant belongs to the member of pea family. This plant can easily grow in the meadows and your garden as well. Generally, most of farmers consider it as weed, but if talk about its nutrients then is fully packed of them. This includes vitamins, protein, minerals, and other antioxidants.
Is Clover Safe for My Rabbits?
Clover also comes in the list of safe weeds that easily adjust by rabbits, like as dandelions. For this reason, Wild rabbits often intake these kinds of weeds most of time; due to their healthy nutritional compounds.
In most cases, clovers can also get bad impact on rabbit’s health, when owners give lot of its quantity, instead of fresh hay.
With doing this, your furry pals receive less fiber content then result to pose digestive hazards.
Benefits About Clover for Rabbits to Eat
If you do serving clovers to your rabbits in decent amount, then it can provide many health benefits. Each one is showing one by one, just keep reading:
Improve Digestion System
Clover is also good plant that consist fiber content in rich amount. Therefore, it helps to contribute well-digestion in bunnies. Also keeping avoids some problems, including constipation and diarrhea.
Well Dental Health
While chewing of clover, rabbit’s teeth wear down that constantly growing up. Cause of this, rabbits having less chances of dental problems in further life.
Antioxidant Compounds
Clover also is in enough antioxidant elements that can protect your rabbit’s cells from free radical losses.
Clover Nutrition Stats for Rabbits
Here, we will reveal nutritional composition of clover (both red and white varieties) commonly fed to rabbits:
Also Read: Can Rabbits Eat Lavender Plants? Yes or Not
Nutrient | Percentage/Value |
Dry Matter | 15-20% |
Crude Protein | 15-25% |
Crude Fiber | 20-25% |
Calcium | 1.2-1.8% |
Phosphorus | 0.2-0.3% |
Fat | 2-3% |
Digestible Energy | 2.0-2.4 Mcal/kg |
Sugar | 7-10% |
Moisture | 75-85% |
Negative Impacts of Giving Clover to Bunnies
Despite its benefits, clover isn’t without its potential drawbacks. Here are the primary risks associated with feeding clover to rabbits:
We do agree that clover offer many health benefits. But over-feeding it can result to get several health problems. Here, we will show you bad concerns one by one:
First is Gas and Bloating
Clover plant comes in the list of legume’s members. Therefore, if you server lot of its quantity, then bloating and gas issues can post.
This is because; rabbit’s digestion system is more sensitive that not easily adjust lot of quantity of legumes. As this, it can pose more discomfort and other major health issues.
Second Concern is Pesticides and Toxins
When you receive clover from your garden or pet stored, then rabbit may exposure to many dangerous chemicals or pesticides. And as you know, bunnies are more sensitive to these kinds of things.
With ingesting them, it may get result to arise many health issues. This includes, digestive imbalance, neurological problem, even it can fatal. Therefore, before serving clovers to rabbits, ensure they are totally free from of them.
Next Concern is Overfeeding
As told you above that clover is in lot of healthy nutritious. Still you never make up it the major part of your furry buddy’s diet.
As per dietary experts; rabbits have to need a widely varied diet, in which give preference to fresh fruits, veggies, and less quantity of pellets.
If you will try to serve clover in too much then it can led to nutrient deficiencies and imbalance of diet.
Can Rabbits Eat Clover Flowers Safely?
Of course! Rabbits do taking more enjoy in eating clover flowers. If you seem that bunnies don’t agree to have clover, then their flowers may be good options.
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But, it depends on rabbit’s age. If your bunny’s age is 20 week old, then you can give a whole plant (leaves, stems, and flowers) of them.
What Types of Clover Rabbit Can Have Safely?
Rabbit can safely have many kinds of clovers, such as white clover, red clover, crimson clover, and alsike clover. They have not any toxic elements that let bad impact to bunny’s health.
These clovers have lot of fiber, protein and other healthy nutrients. For this reason, it makes them a best one meal for both pet and wild rabbits. Other than, bunny also loves in eating their leaves, stems, and flowers.
White clover is commonly found in lawns, and it is a favourite due to its tender leaves.
Red and crimson clovers are typically found in fields and meadows.
While clover is nutritious, it should be fed in moderation to avoid digestive upset.
How Do You Safely Serve Clover to Your Bunny?
If you take decision for giving clover your beloved pet rabbits, then you have to need follow some essential steps, including:
First step is to introduce gradually clover to bunnies as new foods. You can start with tiny quantity and keep eye on their behavior. If you seem that rabbits are doing enjoy in eating it then increase its amount size slowly.
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Second, you can also mix clover with fresh hay or grass, and feed to rabbit. With doing this, make lets it balance diet and offer essential fiber content for well-digestion function.
As possible, you should be bringing clovers from reliable pet store that ensure it is free from harmful chemical and pesticides. Always give preference to fresh clover than dried version. This is because; dried clovers have not enough nutritional elements, and concentrate to sugars.
At finally, you must be keep eyes on their all activities either good or bad. If they are showing any worst signs like as bloating, lethargy or soft stool; then quickly stop feeding and talk to your personal vet for their well-health.
Best Alternatives to Clover for Bunny
If your rabbits are denying in eating clovers then don’t force them to eat them. Here, we will reveal some best alternative foods that you can consider, like as:
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can Rabbits Have Clover Every Day?
It would not wise, if you serve clover every day to your rabbits. However, it is best food, if fed in moderation in decent amount. But, if your rabbit ate clover in too much, then it can upset their digestive system.
Can Rabbits Like to Eat Clover Sprouts?
Of course! Rabbits can also have clover sprout safely. But, keep remembering that moderation is key. With doing this, you can offer essential fiber content them.
Can Bunnies Eat Clover Grass?
Again our answer will be ‘Yes’! You can also give clover grass, but in moderation as occasionally.
How Much Clover Can We Give Our Rabbit?
Just offer a handful 2-3 times in a week; it will be sufficient amount for rabbit’s diet.
Can Rabbits Eat Clover Seeds?
You can offer their seeds to your furry buddies. But, always give first priority to fresh leaves and flowers.
Can Rabbits Eat Clover Leaves Safely?
Definitely! Clover leaves are also safe treat for your bunnies. This is because; rabbits always do enjoying in nibbling on them.
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Clover?
As per dietary experts; clover is best one food not just for pet animal, unless wild rabbit also take more enjoy in eating them. Wild rabbits can also intake clover leaves and flower with safely.
Summing Up: Can Rabbits Eat Clover?
As the result of this article; we can say that clover is a safe and nutritious plant that can easily include into rabbit’s diet. But, ensure offering clover as free from any harmful elements and pesticide; then introduce as little amount.
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With doing this, you can give several healthy nutrients to rabbit’s well-health. Adding with a plenty of healthy food alternatives, like as clover; make ensure bunny’s intake a proper diet with balancing.
Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!
Have a Nice Day!!