Rabbits Advisor DIET Can Rabbits Eat Figs (Leaves + Dried)? Benefits & Risks Explained

Can Rabbits Eat Figs (Leaves + Dried)? Benefits & Risks Explained

As a pet bunny owner and passionate counsellor for these naughty companions, we have been faced several queries from this pet parents. Most of time, just one inquiry that create a curiosity is, “Can rabbits eat figs or not?

We have a prime duty is give a priority of their health and well-being life, and keeping eye on their dietary requirement is an important part of rabbit’s care.

Can Rabbits Eat Figs (Leaves + Dried)? Benefits & Risks Explained

Don’t worry! Keep reading it, here, you will receive comprehensive information about feeding of figs to bunnies, and other related stuffs figs for rabbits in detail.

The answer is yes! Figs are safe fruit to bunnies, if given in moderation. Figs are super high in fiber, vitamins, and other essential minerals for a rabbit’s healthy life.

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But one thing keep remember, figs have also natural sugar content in large quantities. This is major reason of all leading to obesity and dental problems. As well as, get damage the digestive system if intake them too much.

Dear folks! If you have taken decision to serve figs to rabbit, making ensure they are fresh and ripe. Thoroughly wash them in warm water, and remove seeds.

Now, cut them into small bit-sized pieces. Always keep eye on your rabbit for any adverse reactions such as diarrhea or lethargy, if suspected them, immediately visit to skilled vet clinic.

As told you above, figs posse numerous healthy nutrients, and sugar content as well. But, sugar content in figs has over-weighs to other potential health benefits for your rabbits. Here, we will spread light on their nutrition profile of figs and possible health effects:

NutrientAmount Per 100g of Figs
Calories74 kcal
Carbohydrates 19.18 g
Sugars  16.26 g
Fiber    2.9 g
Protein0.75 g
Fat0.3 g
Calcium               35 mg
Phosphorus       14 mg
Potassium          232 mg
Magnesium       17 mg
Vitamin C           2.0 mg
Vitamin A           7 µg
Iron       0.37 mg

Figs consist a fiber, but in moderate quantities. As per proved studies, figs offer approximate 2 grams per 100 gram serving. Fibers do improve the health of digestion system and may helping out keep away from obesity issues.

Figs also have punch of essential vitamin C & K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. But, the presence of these vitamins and minerals in little quantities as compared to natural sugar content.

Antioxidant polyphenols ( anthocyanins and tannins) are also presented on this yummy fruit. Antioxidants are the excellent things that provide the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. But, due to rich sugar in them likely these benefits get cancel.

When you serve 100 gm figs, then your bunnies will receive 250 calories, as well as grab 48 gm sugar. So, you can see it about natural sugar is super high then other nutrients.

This delicious fruit is also in cross-reactive allergens as like the latex and Ficus plants. So, those bunnies should keep distance to figs, who are suffering of these allergies.

It wouldn’t be wise, if you serve fig in large quantity. Figs get many negative impact on your bunny’s health, if intake too much by rabbits. Below showing each one:

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Can Rabbits Have Figs

Already explained above naturally sugar! 

If you didn’t read carefully, don’t worry! Again will show you, bunnies can get easily obesity and dental problems if intake in large amount.

Main reason behind of this, rabbits hasn’t strong digestive systems that are unable to manage large quantities of sugar.

Introducing figs too frequently or giving them in large quantities can cause diarrhea and bloating problems

We accept that calcium is an important mineral for bunnies, but in limited amount. Receiving too much it can pose urinary tract problems in rabbits, such as bladder stones.

Fresh figs convert into smaller in thumbnail-size, if dried them. Reason behind of this, completely water eliminated from this juicy fruit. Therefore, this bit-sized dried fruit can’t consider as safe for your rabbits.

After drying, still dried figs pose the naturally sugar and acidity likely same quantities as fresh figs. That is why; dried figs are also harmful as similar fresh one of given large amount.

They have lost the hydrating properties of water that helping to get balance this out.

But, as a claimed by pet expert, After drying figs, still they maintaining the more antioxidant compounds as compare fresh one.

The good news for you! Your bunnies can have fig leaves and stalks without any harm. You can serve them without moderate as their food.

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They are in nil amounts of sugar or acid, but having rich calorie. But, when you introduce figs leaves as first time, then may not appeal to bunnies.

That is why, you have to use sweet fruits for tempting of them; otherwise your bunnies will not show any interest in those fruits.

If, you are love to eat this yummy fig as a delicious fruit. Then we hope that you did know about fig’s skin that is actually edible. Answer of your query, resounding yes bunnies can easily safely have fig skins as safely!

As per our rabbit expert, the skin of fig has packed lot of nutritious as compare the flesh. So, you don’t have to need to peel of them to serve them.

Again answer is yes, rabbits love to have fig stems.  Fig’s stem is a soft in nature, so they do enjoy in nibbling.

Keep remembering, serve the stem just few pieces in small sized every day to your bunnies, because too much consumption can pose digestive problem.

Ensure removed any thorns or any sharp edges things, before giving them.

Already explained, rabbits prefer to have figs, but only in moderation are key. A small bit-sized piece of fig flesh or a half a fig is sufficient every day for most breeds of rabbits.

Introduce them gradually and in less amounts; otherwise can get digestive upset cause of rich sugar content.

If rabbit is getting to difficulty to digest them, quickly discontinuous feeding them and visit your vet’s clinic.

It can be too much, if you give an entire fig to bunny to have.  That is why; cut a fig into small manageable pieces.

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Can Bunnies Have Figs

You bunny may more demand to eat after that, but don’t offer again them. You should be waiting 24 hours, otherwise can be harmful.

Likes as other fruits, serve figs as slowly. Other than, don’t give this fruit with mixing other new foods.

If your bunnies is developing any bad signs like as stomach upset, then  stop feeding figs without delay.

All breeds of rabbits haven’t strong digestive systems that can manage the acidity and enrichment sugar.

If bunnies are unable to eliminate figs within 24 hours, after serving; that means, bunny got intestinal blockage. Now, immediately talk to your veterinarian.

If you want to any food mix with serving figs, then they should be mild.

If you decide that figs are not suitable for your rabbit, there are plenty of other fruits and treats that can be offered in moderation:

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Apple (without seeds): A small slice can be a refreshing treat.

Blueberries: These are low in sugar and high in antioxidants.

Papaya: Aiding in digestion, papaya can be a healthy treat.

Bell Peppers: High in vitamin C and safe for rabbits to eat.

Carrot Tops: While carrots are high in sugar, their tops can be a nutritious option.

Of Course! Generally, figs are safe food for all breeds of rabbit, but in moderation. Feeding figs slowly and keep eyes on your bunny’s reactions.

Recommended by experts, should be keep away for giving figs to baby bunnies. Their digestive systems are still developing, so more sensitive. Give first priority to give fresh hay and mother’s milk until they are older.

Yes! Chewing on fig branches is best activity that helping out to satisfy their natural urge to chew, and also best source of fiber.

At final result, yes rabbits can have figs, but in moderation; then it will be safe food.

As told above, figs consist many essential nutritional benefits, still should never replace their main components of a rabbit’s diet like as hay, fresh greens, and a limited amount of pellets.

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