Rabbits Advisor DIET Can Rabbits Eat Roses (Petals, Leaves, & Stems)? Facts & Myths

Can Rabbits Eat Roses (Petals, Leaves, & Stems)? Facts & Myths

If you are responsible rabbit owner, then it is essential to worry about rabbit’s healthy and safe. So, one of them is major aspect of your bunnies care is offering safest and nutritious diet. With keep maintaining the beauty of roses in your garden; it would be wonder about ‘can rabbits eat roses or not?’ If it is possible, then how much their portion is enough for rabbit’s well-health?

As you know; rabbis are well-known creature for their love of munching on flowers and other plants. On this behavior, roses are like a harmless feast for them. Although, it is important you keep understand their major benefits and risks of giving roses to your bunnies.

Can Rabbits Eat Roses

My dear! Don’t take headache about this. Through this article, you will get to know about all possible things about feeding roses to your rabbits; in the order of all healthy benefits and drawbacks. For knowing this; just keep reading this piece of content at the end without skipping anything.

Definitely! As per dietary expert; rose flowers also come in the list of non-toxic foods for bunnies. Rabbit always love to eat of rose as delicious treat.

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But, keep remembering; eating rose to your furry friends in moderation as occasionally. This is because; this kind of plants is in rich sugar content that may arise stomach problems; if intake lot of.

Other than; pesticides treated roses are also dangerous for your rabbit’s well-health. For eliminating this issue; must be offering just organically grown rose that are free from any pesticides and other chemicals.

Always keep aware of thorns that present on rose stems. Intake of these thorns by mistake can pose many health problems in rabbit; even it may be fatal.

For your knowledge; these kinds of blossoms are much higher; cause of this, they may be out of your rabbit’s reach. Still, they can also intake rose petals with ease.

Keeping note; rabbits may eat anything while feeling to more hungry or unavailability your preferred foods. For keeping safe your blossoms; you can tend to grow old and tall sized blushed.

Thus, rabbits are unable to reach your grown favorite flowers and petals.

It is not doubt; offering rose petals to your rabbits is a delicious feast. For your knowledge, rose petals are not just safest food for your rabbits; rather other small animals can also take enjoy of them.

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Based on US researched report; rose petals are suitable treat paired along with rabbit’s daily natural diet. As adding them; you can include additional flavor to their daily diet’s menu.

As you know that rose flower is going to represent as symbol of love. But, along with they are also perfect eatable things for your pet rabbits.

Rose petals contain many healthy contents in decent amount like as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Along with, producing aromatic also colorful add on their many herbaceous plants and hays.

Apart of this; you can also proceed to serve the dried rose petals. This form of rose is also safest treat for your pet rabbits; and other small-sized pet too.

Before going to serve roses to rabbits; ensure fed in moderation as gradually and they must be pesticide-free.

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NutrientAmount (Per 100g of Rose Petals)
Calories               ~40 kcal
Water  90-95%
Fiber     5-7g
Sugar    ~5g
Carbohydrates ~9g
Fat         ~0.2g
Calcium               ~35mg
Phosphorus       ~20mg
Magnesium       ~10mg
Vitamin C            ~30-40mg
Vitamin A           Trace amounts
Iron       ~0.5mg

As told above; as eating rose petals rabbit do receive many healthy benefits. But, many health concerns may arise; if they ingest them in lot of quantity. Let’s share one by one:

Gastrointestinal stasis is main concern that can be arising; if your bunnies consume rose in too much in the replace of hay. So, at possible you should not replace rose petals with rabbit’s primary diet, like as fresh veggies, fruits and hay.

Diarrhea problems can be leading, if you do serving lot of roses to your pet rabbits in just on food. Apart of this, never feed any new food to them as frequently and large amounts.

Another concern is uneaten cecotropes that arise due to lack of fiber content. It will be posing, when you try to offer unwanted meals to rabbit in large amount, including rose petals. Therefore, for removing this hazard; you have to need serving fiber enabled meal (hay) them in large quantity for longer time.

For your knowledge, entire plant of rose is not safe for your furry friend. While eating their some parts, rabbits can get many health issues. These unsafe parts are:

As a serious pet owner; must be always removing thorns from roses before serving them to your bunnies. As ingesting thorns rabbit’s mouth and stomach can be damage that resulting dangerous health issues.

Rose hips are also not perfect for serving your pet rabbits. This is because; once consumed them, this may poses several choking and digestive problems.

As liking roses rabbit can spoil them by consuming their leaves, bark, and buds.

To keep safe them, you should proceed with using physical barrier such as fence.

Install fence properly as at minimum 2 feet high and 8 inches depth to avoid bunnies from digging under it.

Other than; some commercial rabbit repellents are also available in the market, so you can use them. Otherwise, homemade repellents may be effective for you like as ingredient of chili and garlic powder.

Now, you have confirmed about roses are the nutritious feast to your rabbits. So, let’s come discus about how-to:

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Washing: Wash the roses under cold running water to remove any dirt or tiny critters.

First of all, thoroughly wash roses under warm running water to destroy all dirt or chemicals.

At initially stage, you can serve just 2-3 petals to your beloved rabbits. Once consumed them properly, you can offer entire flowers; but in moderation.

Serve roses to rabbits as infrequently treat; because overdose can pose the digestive problems.

Many kinds of roses are available in the world that exists in the commercial stores or gardens. These include, English and Floribunda to Miniature and Damask roses. Good news for you that these types are safest your furry friends to eat.

Rabbits might nibble on rose seeds, but they are not a significant part of their diet, and it’s not something you should intentionally feed them.

At most time, you found rabbits munching rose seeds. But, for your knowledge; it is not an essential segment of their primary diet. Therefore, you never should offer them to your bunnies as intentionally.

This answer is not clear about either rabbits can eat rose stems or not safely. As per dietary expert; it is not recommended serving rose stems to your pet bunnies. This is because; they can be prickly and tough as creature that can arise many choking and digestive issues in rabbits.

Here, our answer will be YES’! Rabbits do more enjoy nibbling rose leaves. This is because; these leaves are in rich many healthy nutrients; so they come in the non-toxic food to rabbits. Keep remember; you can feed them to rabbit, but in moderation as occasionally.

As the result of this article; definitely, you can offer roses to rabbits as flavor treats. As told above that roses have not any toxic element that may lead any danger to rabbits.

Although, while serving roses to rabbit; keep minding about fed in moderation at decent portion. Never replacing them to rabbit’s primary diet (fresh veggies & fruits, and hay).

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Now, we can hope that this content let you to include new one eatable thing in your beloved rabbit’s food list.

Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!

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